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Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL)
Product Name:Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL)

Product No:21401-493
Was Price:8Dollar/ Now Price:8Dollar/
Last update:2014.01.24
Manufacturer:Asia Pacific International Co., Limited
 Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL)
Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL) has widespread industrial use. It is a common solvent and reagent
in chemistry and is used as an aroma compound, as a stain remover, as a superglue remover, as a
paint stripper, and as a solvent in some wet aluminium electrolytic capacitors.
Product Description
- Removes most paints and graffiti.
- Removes rust.
- Removes enamel. - Removes oil stains.
- Functions as a de-greaser. - Removes glue.
- Cleans your rims.
- Helps with floor stripping.
- Removes nail polish.
Gamma-butyrolactone 99,99%
-water down the dissolvent
-always check the interaction of the dissolvent on the small surface you want to clean
-clean the surface using little quantity of dissolvent and a cloth or brush
-rinse the clean surface with cold water and dry
-wash your hands
-use the liquid only in well ventilated spaces
1.Description: Assay 99.9%
GBL is one kind of important fine chemicalintermediate, simultaneously also is one kind of performance fine highboiling point solvent, namely ideal antioxidant, plasticizer, extracting agent, absorbent, dispersing agent, solid stain, Coagulation Reagent.
Manufactured on China